RTI Race Report 2021

Winner of the IOM Copiers RTI Race 2021 James Walker (centre) with some of the crew of Lillee

Write-up by James Penn

The IOM Copiers Round The Island Yacht Race (RTI) last Sunday was won overall for the first time in three years by James Walker’s Corby 33, Lilee, racing in the performance based NHC handicap division.

With the 2020 race cancelled due to COVID 19, and the 2019 race not producing a finisher due to very light winds, it was gratifying that of the nine yachts that started the race at Ramsey seven managed to finish.

What was a perfect summer’s day for those on land was not ideal sailing weather for those at sea, although in the earlier part of the race – up to the Point of Ayre and then down the West Coast – Force 3 or 4 Southerly breezes were enough to keep the yachts going at a decent clip. Please click her for the full write-up – IOM Copiers Round The Island Yacht Race 2021

For full results click here – IOM Copiers RTI 2021 Results