Watling Streetworks Winter Series - 12 January 2025
Dinghy racing for 2025 started on Sunday morning, following the previous week's issues snow, dinghy’s snowed in and crews snowed out! The Watling Streetworks January Series sailed on the West Baldwin reservoir, snow still on the surrounding hills and a forecast of building wind during the morning. Mostly light winds with the occasional gentle gust, enough to have most crews hiking (leaning out) h... -
Watling Streetworks Winter Series - 19 January 2025
A grey day at Injebreck Storm Eowyn warnings for the end of this week, but conditions could not have been more different for dinghy racing on West Baldwin reservoir last Sunday morning. The gentle south easterly wind blew mostly up the lake, the odd waft here and there, difficult to call then gusts and of course the usual deadly hollows. The fleet of thirteen started Race one and quickly sorted themselves... -
Watling Streetworks Winter Series - 17 November 2024
It’s that time of the year again folks, gone quiet around the coast, with most of the Island’s active dinghy fleet retreating to the hills for the ‘Watling Streetworks Winter Dinghy Series’. Racing on the West Baldwin reservoir has a few advantages over the sea sailing during the winter, in fresh water, short commute to the start line and best of all the tide is always in. Downsides are, just like the sea w... -
Watling Streetworks Winter Dinghy Series 2024-2025
Manx Sailing & Cruising Club are pleased to announce that once again Manx Utilities are allowing us to use West Baldwin Reservoir to hold our Winter Dinghy Series. Weather permitting the first race of the 'Watling Streetworks Winter Series' will be on Sunday 3 November and every Sunday morning starting at 10.00am through to Sunday 30 March 2025. Injebreck - Sailing Instructions 2024... -
Watling Streetworks Winter Series - 24 November 2024
Dave Batchelor- winner of the November Series During the month of November a total of 15 dinghies have taken part in the Watling Streetworks Winter Series. Despite Storm Bert’s best efforts racing did take place on Sunday on the West Baldwin Reservoir with little evidence of the havoc being caused on the adjacent Isle. The Race Officer set a triangular course, down to the dam wall, across and back up to ...
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