Please contact our Treasurer, Keith Poole on (07624 496546) or e-mail for further information.
(Clubhouse: open Fridays 1700 to 20.30 and Sundays from approximately 1230 to 1500).
Membership Details
Please download a Membership Form for completion and submission to the Treasurer by email or by post to the clubhouse. Details of membership requirements and fees etc. are on the form.
Membership Fees for Season 2024 | |
Full Membership (Class A & B) | £69.00 |
Joint Membership | £111.00 |
Junior Membership | £27.00 |
Junior Membership (children of full members) | £11.00 |
Payment information is included on the Membership Form
Manx Sailing & Cruising Club Rules
- NAME. The Club shall be called the “MANX SAILING AND CRUISING CLUB.”
- OBJECTS. The objects of the Club are to encourage the arts of sailing seamanship, and navigation; to provide a club house, and facilities for members and to encourage yachtsmen to visit the Isle of Man.
- MEMBERSHIP. Membership of a class other than Class D shall be confined to persons of either sex over the age of eighteen years. There shall be the following classes of members.
- *A OWNER MEMBERS. Owners or part-owners of vessels or Members having had practical experience of sailing or seamanship to the satisfaction of the committee.
- C TEMPORARY MEMBERS. As defined by rule 8.
- D JUNIOR MEMBERS. Persons of either sex between the ages of 12 and 18 years.
- E HONORARY MEMBERS. As elected under Rule 5.
- F VISITING MEMBERS. As defined by Rule 9.
- G LIFE MEMBERS. Members who have paid twenty years subscription in advance, having been members of Class A, B and/or D for five consecutive years.
- H HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS. Members elected by the committee under Rule 5.
- PROPOSAL OF CANDIDATES AND ELECTION OF MEMBERS. All applications shall be in writing and shall be signed by the candidate. Applicants shall have use of full club facilities pending notification of the decision of the Committee on their applications, except such times as the membership shall be full, when the Committee may extend facilities to intending members at their discretion. All applicants for Membership shall submit with the application, a sum sufficient to cover the first Annual Subscription provided that if the Application is made after 1st August only one half of the Annual Subscription shall be payable. In the event of an Application being made on or after 1st November, the full current Annual Subscription shall be payable, and the sum shall be the ensuing years subscription. On the election of a Member of any Class he or she shall be notified in writing and issued with Annual Handbook (when available).
- HONORARY MEMBERS. (a) Annual; (b) Life.
The Committee are empowered to elect for one year as Honorary Members persons of distinction and (b) the committee are empowered to recommend to the Club in General Meeting for election as Honorary Life Members persons who, in the Committee’s opinion, merit such distinction. - SUBSCRIPTIONS. Subscriptions shall be decided by the Club in General Meeting. Such subscription shall be displayed on the club notice board, and shall be notified in the Club Bulletin next following.
The Annual Subscription shall become due and payable on the 1st January. If, after a reminder has been given, the subscription shall not have been paid on or before the 1st April, the defaulter shall cease to be a member of the Club, and be so informed by the Honorary Secretary on the instructions of the Committee, unless such defaulter gives satisfactory reason for such default, in which case such defaulter may be re-admitted by the Committee. - RESIGNATIONS. Any member may resign his or her membership by giving the Honorary Secretary notice in writing, provided that should notice be given after the date due for payment of the annual subscription he or she shall be liable to pay the subscription for the following year.
- TEMPORARY MEMBERSHIP. Any member of Class A, B, G or H, may propose for Temporary Membership any person for whom he or she can vouch, who is staying in the Isle of Man for a limited period. A member of the committee shall have the power to approve temporary membership. The name of the proposed Temporary Member, his address in the Isle of Man, and the period for which he or she desires to belong to the Club, shall be entered by the proposer in the Temporary Members’ Book, which shall be inspected at each Committee Meeting. Such Temporary Membership shall be limited to 12 weeks in any 12 months, except that in special cases the committee shall have the power to extend this to a period not exceeding one year. No Temporary Member shall be allowed to use the Club until the proper subscription shall have been paid. The proposer of a Temporary Member shall be responsible for any financial commitments of such Temporary Member with the club. The Committee shall determine subscriptions for Temporary Membership.
- VISITING MEMBERSHIP. Any visiting yachtsman or the crew of a craft is a Member of a recognised Yacht Club shall, on signing the “Visiting Yachtsmen” book shall become a Visiting Member for a period of 14 days without subscription. After that period his subscription shall be that of a Temporary Member.
No Temporary or Visiting Member shall take any part in the management of the Club, nor shall he introduce any friend, nor propose or second any candidate to the Club, nor be present at any Club Meeting. - GUESTS. (i) Members in Class A, B, G or H may introduce friends as guests, but must stay in their company and pay all expenses incurred by them and be responsible that their guests do not obtain supplies on their own account or in any way infringe on the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club. No Member may have more than two guests in the Club at any one time. Such guests shall not be introduced to the Club on more than 4 days in any one year, and not for more than two consecutive days, and a period of one month shall intervene between such introductions.
(ii) Junior Members may only introduce guests who are within their own age group (12 – 18 years) and Rule 10 shall apply to them in all respects.
(iii) The names of all guests shall be entered in the Visitors’ Book. - INFRINGEMENT OF RULES AND BYE-LAWS. It shall be the duty of all Members to prevent the infringement of Rules and Byelaws, and to bring to the notice of the Honorary Secretary any such infringements. The Honorary Secretary shall make what enquiries he may consider necessary and place a report upon the matter before the Committee, who may require the attendance of the Member concerned.
- EXPULSION OF MEMBERS. If at any time the Committee shall be of the opinion that the interest of the Club so requires, they may call upon any Member to resign from the Club. Should the member fail to do so the question of expulsion shall be considered by the Committee, but a vote of at least two to one shall be necessary to expel such member. Such a decision shall be conveyed to the expelled member as directed by the Committee, and this decision may be displayed in the Club House. Such an expelled Member shall have 14 days in which to appeal in writing against the decision of the Committee stating the grounds upon which he appeals. The Appeal Committee shall be comprised of three Members, the President, the Vice-President, the Commodore or his or their nominees. On the hearing of the appeal the Appellant shall be confined to the reasons given in his written appeal. The decision of the Appeal Committee shall be conveyed to the person concerned, as the Chairman of the Appeal Committee shall direct.
- EFFECT OF CEASING TO BE A MEMBER. Any person ceasing to be a Member of the Club shall forfeit all right to and claim upon the Club and its funds.
- MANAGEMENT. The Club shall be managed by the Committee, to which all other Committees shall be sub-ordinate and the COMMITTEE shall be composed of:
(The above must be members of Class A)
7. The Honorary Secretaries of the Sailing Sections, who must be members of Class A,
8. Three Members of Class A,
9. Two Members of Class B.
All Members of the Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
The Committee shall meet monthly and any member of the committee who is absent from three consecutive meetings without satisfactory reason, shall be deemed no longer a Member of the Committee.
In the event of a casual vacancy on the Committee (other than that of Commodore, Vice-Commodore or Rear Commodore) the remaining Members of the Committee shall have the power to appoint a replacement.
The Commodore shall have the right to be Chairman at any meeting at which he shall be present, and shall be ex-officio a Member of all Committees and sub-committees. - COMMODORE. A Commodore shall not be eligible for election for more than three consecutive years.
- PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. A President and Vice-President may be elected at the Annual General Meeting; they shall be eligible for re-election each year.
- SAILING COMMITTEES. The Sailing Committees i.e. Cruiser, Dinghy, Power and such other sections as may be required, shall consist of their Honorary Secretaries and such Members as the Committee may appoint annually.
- THE HOUSE COMMITTEE. The House Committee shall consist of the Honorary House Officer, and such Members as he shall co-opt from time to time, subject to the approval of the committee.
The House Committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the club House, obtain supplies, discharge accounts from a separate Bank Account, and submit accounts to the Honorary Treasurer. - COMMITTEE QUORUM. A quorum at the Committee meeting shall be Six Members. The quorum at other committees, and sub-committees shall be prescribed by the Committee.
- SUB-COMMITTEES. All Committees may appoint from the number such sub-committees as they consider necessary, and may depute to them such powers, and duties as such Committee itself may determine, these powers and duties being within its own authority. Sub-committees may co-opt any Member or Members to serve with them.
- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the month of NOVEMBER each year, upon a day and a time to be fixed by the Committee, and at least seven days’ notice thereof shall be given by email to every Member of Classes A, B, G and H. Written notice can be posted out on request to the Honorary Secretary.
Any Member wishing to move a resolution not on the agenda at an Annual General Meeting shall give to the Honorary Secretary at least three days’ notice in writing, enclosing a copy of the resolution, which shall then be displayed on the notice board in the Club House. - SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. The Committee may at any time for any special purpose call a Special General Meeting and shall do so on the requisition in writing of any 20 Members, stating the purpose for which such meeting is required. At least seven days’ notice in writing shall be given to every Member in Classes A, B, G and H.
- GENERAL AND SPECIAL MEETING QUORUM. The quorum at a General or Special Meeting shall be 25 members.
- TRUSTEES. Shall be appointed by the Club in General Meeting. The property of the Club shall be vested in not more than three nor less than two Trustees, who shall deal with such property as directed by resolution of the Committee and shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of Club property, according to the powers given them.
- PAYMENT OF MEMBERS. No Members shall, except for services rendered at the request of the Committee, receive any profit or emolument from the funds or transactions of the Club.
- BYE-LAWS. The committee may make Bye-Laws for the efficient Management of the Club, provided that they are not inconsistent with the club rules, and shall have the power to repeal or amend the same. Such Bye-Laws shall be exhibited on the notice board.
- RULES. The committee shall have powers to make Rules, and to amend them, but such Rules and Amendments shall not take effect until they have been confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting.
- ACCOUNTS. The financial year of the Club will end on the 30th of September. The Honorary Treasurer will submit audited accounts to the Annual General Meeting. An Honorary auditor shall be appointed by the Club at the Annual General Meeting.
- DISSOLUTION. If at any General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the club shall be passed by a majority of the Members present, a Special General Meeting shall be convened not less than one month thereafter. At such meeting, in the event of a two-thirds majority in favour of the resolution, the Club shall be deemed to be disbanded. The committee shall thereupon, at such date as shall be specified in such resolution, proceed to realise the properties of the Club. After the discharge of all liabilities the balance shall be divided equally among all Members of classes A, B and G, and after the completion of the division the Club shall be dissolved.
Amended November 2022
Copyright © Manx Sailing and Cruising Club 1955 – 2022